
Short Run CD Duplication Prices
Here you'll find prices for the most popular CD duplication/packaging options.

Please get in touch by email or call if you require a price for any variations such as more panels or a booklet included in
one of the card products. Also get in touch for prices on DVDs.
Once you've decided we can email you a template if you're supplying your own artwork.

Anything above 200 units it's worth considering a quote for 500 replicated/glassmastered CDs, as the unit cost
will be considerably lower and far more cost effective than having for example 300 of the duplicated discs.
Email or call for details.
Delivery for duplicated CDs/DVDs is £15. All prices shown are totals to pay.

Please get in touch for quotes on replicated/glassmastered discs & packaging. Orders start from 500 units upwards.
Vinyl runs start from 300 units upwards. Call 07960 143571 or email

Duplication Prices
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